Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I had this funny incident many years ago. It was a pleasant and sunny day; I wore professional attire and adding with my get up was pleasant perfume and prune hair making me respectable and honorable. But, something happened that time that surprised my world in a wide blast… hehehe.

I'm a regular commuter and somewhere in the middle of the road as we passed by Magsaysay Avenue in Davao City,  I found out that I have no money in my pocket. Toink… Gulp…I was in deep panicked at that time and was trying to grasp how I would tell to the driver my situation. The chaos and the uproar of the driver’s face were my concern at that time. He would scold me and be angry about me for being so reckless passenger. Tsk tsk tsk. And with my outfit that time… I would put myself to shame. What a mess… huhuhu

For a moment, I closed my eyes and meditated, and then, I remembered that I have plenty of vitamins in my bag. Aha…  Like an early century trading, I traded my vitamins in exchange for the fare. The driver smiled with my honest recourse. Realizing that I am blessed, I decided adding more and more, until he was overwhelmed with gratitude. What a relief!
Pondering on the event, I realized that vitamins are of two kinds. One used as add-on for our physical nourishment making us healthy physically and mentally. And the other one for our spirit. I believe, these are spiritual vitamins which are readily available to us through His Grace. And all we need to do is to ask for it. Sadly, many of us hubs on the first one. Well, it’s not bad taking earthly vitamins to sustain health because I do take them, but I believe, it is more important to feed one’s soul with vitamins that would enrich the spirit and inspire more to live a life that is pleasing and morally upright. That moment, I received one of His grace. Humility. I laid down myself despite of my get up and asked  apology. And I received, Gratitude.

My friends, I had live a life full of disguise and shame for the past many years. And with all things that had happened to my life good or bad, one thing I can only attest, " His grace is alive and present".


Friday, May 11, 2012


The last time I saw a firefly was when I visited Sagada. I was walking out with friends in the woods of Echo Valley where I spotted that little and so frail flickering light. I saw a firefly. Alone. So tiny and fragile. Yet its light bring about enlightenment to me. Such pure and simple gift of beauty in the night. 

In my darkest hour, it is often the smallest spark of one  or two fireflies  that brought me into the light. It is in those moment of simple grace where I saw such brightness that gives me freedom. A grace I received from a soft spoken friend and the embrace and warm touch of acceptance and forgiveness and understanding that blessed my spirit to be in a moment of experiencing deep hope and love.

I have many fireflies in my life now, and they are, yes, fragile and small, but when they joined together, they make my path passable enough so I could see my way in the late dusk. 

My seemingly dark woods become less scary now at all. 


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Echo Valley

Last month, i went to Sagada where I was able to savor the coolness and the magnificent rice terraces. It was more wonderful and enjoyable having with me wonderful friends who made our trip delightful and truly fun. I actually forgot the busyness of the urban and felt so closed with the Lord through its scenery.
    One fantastic sight we visited was the Echo Valley. Going to the place was quite scary because we have to pass by a cemetery and a cliff at one side. But once we got there, I can't helped but really shouted out loud. I shouted, " I love myself... I am a champion... I approve of myself..." those words echoed back and forth. And all of us continued to shout even louder.
    Being delighted to hear my voice echoed back from the mountain,  i realized that life works in the same way. What I give to life, I received back a hundred fold. If I planted hatred in my heart, more hatred will come back to me...and If I put love and compassion in my life and to others, more love and compassion I will receive. If I focus with my shameful past, I will forever be ashamed with myself even by the fact that God already forgave me.
    I believe life is a giant echo valley. Whatever I planted will be my harvest. The more I planted love, the more I harvest love. I want to harvest love from now on... It might be very difficult to receive it at first, of course, i have to pass through a cemetery of bogus people reminding me or rejecting me because of my past and some cliff of fears of my future afar. But I know, in due time, I will receive love, I will be with people who will be blessing my life with understanding and much hope.

Today, I can see blessings everywhere. I see miracles happening as blessings and even problems as blessings in disguise. I don't believe in luck. Because it is based on chance but blessings are 100% sure. Knowing that, I believe there is no such thing as bad luck, only bad decision.

At this moment, my heart is actually shouting in life's echo valley..." I love you... I love myself... I love God. Here I am Lord change me!"
