Friday, August 3, 2012


Idol...Idol... Idol...

    I usually used this word to call some friends that I admired with. I love calling them that way because in one way or another, I believe, it also boost their confidence because I idolized them. But funny it is, how often times I proudly called myself as a Christian, when often times I idolize things and people and follow what they actually do. I confess this should not be.

    I had read an article about idol and it struck me most as he defined it . He said an " idol" is not, merely, a graven image that people physically bow down to. It is anything that occupies a place in our heart that belongs to God.

   So that means " an idol can be the problems and bills that we think about all day,  the food that comforts us during low moments, the mentors that we turn to for validation, your children who you constantly worry about, the accomplishments that affirm us, and even the ministerial work that keeps us from spending time alone with God or even our studies that we get into. If we are not careful, anything in our lives can become an idol." What....?

  I realized that God want us to idolize Him. Only Him. This means that I should worship, adore, obey, rely on, chase, and think about Him — all day, all night, every day, every night, through all problems, and through all victories.

  I pray that His grace will fill our hearts and minds of things that will glorify Him. That  our thoughts, our actions and our lives may reflect Him and His goodness. I Thank you Lord for your messages and I ask you to help me always to restore myself in you everyday and every moments so I could worship you in whatever circumstances of my life.
