Tuesday, July 17, 2012


      " I love the rain and i always thank the Lord for the rainy days because it gives me an opportunity to share my umbrella."

      As I recalled some memories of my past, I am always humbled and grateful for those people who shared their umbrellas with me. For in that process, I get to learn to share my own umbrella to others as well.

      Sometimes, i do like to run or walk  and get wet in the rain. It seems that the more I tossed by the wind of trials  and rains of problems, I could see the blessings within them in disguise. Wow. I grow better and ever. And I believe the same holds true to us  who encountered the same. The rains in our lives whether hard or not are actually blessings in disguise. They are opportunities for growth. They are like windows for spiritual advancement. I believe it is in the rain where the seed of faith flourish. Oftentimes in my prayer, I asked God to disturb me and even send me rains. Because I realized that the more they come, the more I am prepared to meet them with a smile in my heart.

      If my circumstances will bring me to the end of myself because I experience so much pains and sufferings. I thank the Lord, because somewhere out there beyond that rain and windy circumstance, someone will bring with me an umbrella so I could begin and start  with myself in Him.

    After all, the rain of rainy days and the sunshine of sunny days  in our lives are actually good for us.


Monday, July 2, 2012


In my journey toward healing and spiritual maturity, i tried searching for the answers that my thoughts are digging inside me. I actually cannot capture all of them, for one by one they consumed me and left powerless over them. 

  Thoughts are devastating unless we see ahead the trap behind the negative thoughts. And once we knew them, there is nothing to fear and no suffering be involved. I learned to go and believe in the power of silence. 

   In the path of silence, i am now at the risk of becoming strangers to the people around me. People i knew well and people who comes my way as a projection and a trap. But it is okey, i know the real tragedy in life would be to become stranger to my own self. 

  Starting today, i allow silence to cure all my wounds and heal me completely. To filter my selfishness and anything that enslaves me. I allow things and life to be as it should be, either wonderful or tragic. 

  I surrender everything to silence and not to do anything but to trust God that He can do all things for me. I am ever grateful to accept the losses i have in life so i become more free to start experiencing real joy.  Because happiness is actually in me and it depends how i interpret it inside. 
