Thursday, May 3, 2012

Echo Valley

Last month, i went to Sagada where I was able to savor the coolness and the magnificent rice terraces. It was more wonderful and enjoyable having with me wonderful friends who made our trip delightful and truly fun. I actually forgot the busyness of the urban and felt so closed with the Lord through its scenery.
    One fantastic sight we visited was the Echo Valley. Going to the place was quite scary because we have to pass by a cemetery and a cliff at one side. But once we got there, I can't helped but really shouted out loud. I shouted, " I love myself... I am a champion... I approve of myself..." those words echoed back and forth. And all of us continued to shout even louder.
    Being delighted to hear my voice echoed back from the mountain,  i realized that life works in the same way. What I give to life, I received back a hundred fold. If I planted hatred in my heart, more hatred will come back to me...and If I put love and compassion in my life and to others, more love and compassion I will receive. If I focus with my shameful past, I will forever be ashamed with myself even by the fact that God already forgave me.
    I believe life is a giant echo valley. Whatever I planted will be my harvest. The more I planted love, the more I harvest love. I want to harvest love from now on... It might be very difficult to receive it at first, of course, i have to pass through a cemetery of bogus people reminding me or rejecting me because of my past and some cliff of fears of my future afar. But I know, in due time, I will receive love, I will be with people who will be blessing my life with understanding and much hope.

Today, I can see blessings everywhere. I see miracles happening as blessings and even problems as blessings in disguise. I don't believe in luck. Because it is based on chance but blessings are 100% sure. Knowing that, I believe there is no such thing as bad luck, only bad decision.

At this moment, my heart is actually shouting in life's echo valley..." I love you... I love myself... I love God. Here I am Lord change me!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hiya!! just happened to read ur blog. thanks for the insightful yet true wisdom about life!!
God bless you more!!
