Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pilgrim's Heart

    This is what i described about my heart today. Part of it is never home. There is always stretching and yearning to be home but I know that I am not yet arrived. I am actually now in a journey. For quite sometime, I never acknowledged that I am in a journey, I was trapped by false places that was never my home. Yet, God's grace shown me something to focus with and to believe that I am now in a journey far away from Home.
     In my journey home,  I was able to recognize whose friends were true and bogus in my winging homeward. It is in my journey of my spirituality that made my road like markers to say Hello to some and goodbye to some by passers. Funny it is, I could still smile at them and even embrace them with the goodbyes in my heart. It makes a little easier to do so because I go through the pain of acceptance that creates experiences of more hope groaning and yearning in a natural way.
     The journey inside my heart is actually a mystery and a challenge because traveling inward is so different, I can only see my path in the eyes of my faith. And the shallow my faith becomes the vague and darker my way be.
     I am excited to further see myself of what I can be and to discover what I am capable of. Like exploring a mountain trail that one has never been before, there would be huffing and puffing and a pause to take another path or to turn around and go back. But, I will stand still. I know i am not alone in my journey. Someone out there is praying for me, loving me and looking at that vast mountain where I am standing. Hoping and excited to see me around.
    Nowadays, My heart is actually filled with many trails either too ordinary or too hard or too long to continue. But I know beyond that edge and just when I go around the next bend and up to the hill. There lies a magnificent vista of beauty marking my heart, I am home. 

   Hoping to see you around there... God bless.


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