Friday, April 20, 2012


    You might be wondering what Galilee is all about. For many who knows the bible it is an important place of Jesus. It is a place in Israel. A significant place where He made many significant miracles...and true enough, i have my own Galilee experience of Christ in me. Miracles I claimed His.
     Most of my pains and sufferings were brought about by my wrong choices. It is in those times where I discovered the tremendous deadness of my spirit. But God has a way of changing people. From my wickedness He changed me. He broke me into pieces so I could one by one pick up my shattered pieces and learned deeply of life's choices. 
     "To Galilee" Mk 16:7, a direction where I am going.  The Galilee of my life where I am risen from my nightmares and wickedness. The Galilee where I am risen from my addictions. The Galilee where my strength is aroused, where their is clarity of my purpose, where my direction is more refine and where the sense of compassion to others deepens.
     I pray that the Lord will lead me to people who will journey with me in the Galilee's of my life, where I get to be guided by bright lights in my path notwithstanding all my flaws of my past and my strengths combined.

     May you also walk with a Galilee experience with Him. Join me.  :)


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