Monday, March 19, 2012

Three Hypocrites

...there are three kinds of hypocrites nowadays, one those that doesn't know that they are and so they love judging others and treat themselves righteous. The other one knows that he is one but he doesn't care knowing about it. The third one is phenomenal, he knows and acknowledges his hypocrisy and he tries to live the way of Christ in light and truth...

    I have to confess that in one time of my life, i was in that first kind of hypocrisy. I love judging others, gossiping about their sins and looking at them with disgust. Not knowing that i, too, is disgusting. My friend, it wasn't right for me to do those things.

    After realizing it, i transcends to the second kind of hypocrisy, i know that  i am hypocrite, yet, i did not care about. I don't judge people of who they are, as a matter of fact, i just really don't care of them, i neglected the very truth that i am. Hypocrite. I disguised my hypocrisy through service and Perhaps, i have lived for almost ten years of being that way. Disguising my hypocrisy by being righteous doing nothing of all my negative tendencies.

    I believe, in those moments, there is something in me that transcends. A call that created disturbances in the depth of my heart. The Lord shaken me through an event I prayed for. It was actually an answered prayer. It scratches and scratches until hurts came in, realizing that i have to wake up from that disillusionment. I believe I am now on the third level, and true enough i do acknowledged my hypocrisy now. It is something that i don't boast off but something i need to deal with and tame. It is by the grace of God that I am still here keeping on and trying to discover better things within me. Yes, I am a man, human and a sinner just as any other man. I believe even if i have tendencies to commit sin, it is not my first call at all to avoid them. Because My first duty as a christian is to love. To love God and others as i love myself.
I am in a community of hypocrites who struggles to live a life to be meaningful.  And in that way, I experienced Christ. Be touched by His love, and be healed by His compassion.

For He always make things new in me.


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