Thursday, February 9, 2012

Anti Virus

Want to share with you my journal some years ago. May you be inspired as you read this. God bless

You will be infected with virus if you persist not reading my blogs.
Better read or else…

            Lately, I have encountered problems with regards to my computer. The task bar always warned that a lot of potential spy wares were spying my computer system. Truly, I was quite bothered about it and that made me busy finding ways how to remove all those spy wares. I don’t know why my recent Anti-Virus or Firewall had not detected those things. Perhaps, viruses or spy wares are unpredictable and stronger nowadays or may be I am reckless and very confident that my computer is updated and hi-tech but I am wrong; my juvenile credence led me to odds of nuisances provoked by fear of losing information that were stored in my computer. I got terrified in that belief and it prompted me to install another anti-virus. Thanks to the free trial of AVG in the internet that helped removed all those spy wares and viruses if there’s any. Wooh… AVG soothed my agony.
            Realizing those experiences, I believe, we are all susceptible to many spiritual viruses or spy wares. I believe these are things or people that lead us away from the truth of life, from what is right and from what we supposed to do. I too, was dragged by those bogus people with selfish desires. Bogus people are fun of spying, very judgmental, gossiping against other people’s lives and have no sense of truth and understanding. Honestly, for once and sometimes, I become like them. It’s totally ruining and lifeless.
            Thank God I have my backed up, some good friends of my community really helped me a lot in detecting my potential spiritual viruses. It made me realized just like my computer, I have to undergo free trial from AVG, to scan the very detail of my heart and to remove all my spiritual viruses and spy wares that long been laden there. In short, I should reformat my desires and plans in life.
            Still up to now, my new AVG have been scanning my heart looking for a better spot where it will be installed. I know with AVG (Anti-Virus from God)…Surely…
I can start anew.


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