Tuesday, February 14, 2012


How far can i go with God?

 This is the question i set in my mind today. I do confess that i have many attachments, and in fact, i am afraid of losing them.   I do not deny that My heart desire so much of them. I am craving and holding them tightly. Letting go would be very hard to do.  And in many cases. I failed to recognize the significance of it. Even my habitual sins are truly hard to let go. My flesh longs for it madly. Though my heart says "do what is good , and yet i end up doing wrong". Very frustrating and Humiliating. Putting myself in disgrace to God and my friends.

 Yet amidst this struggles, i am captivated by this simple truth: " that in my darkest hour, God is in His darkest too. That In my deepest sorrow, He do share, and in my brokenness, He was there..." Now, i know that better things do happen when we started letting go. God doesn't allow it to come quickly. He like it slowly, gently and really hurting. I like the last part...hurting. Why? Because it truly hurts when you know the truth. And that's the hardest thing to let go.

 Even now as i am writing this, there are many things that are still at my grasp. One by one, i am letting go of them. Some Friends, possessions, habitual sins, pride, worries, insecurities and positions, and many more. I am starting to let go them daily.  Maybe that's what God wants me to do everyday, to let go them one by one, everyday. Consistently. No postpone. No cancellation. Willfully done. "For to set the mind on the Spirit will lead me to more life and peace."


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