Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Cross

I want to know how God feels about me today. Every time i snap at anything that moves, every time my thoughts are gutter-level, and when my tongue is sharp enough to slice a rock and every time i tell lies.  How does God feels when i am a jerk? Not about when i am positive and ready to tackle worlds hunger, worlds peace, and worlds climate change. Hmmm. Shamcey Supsup can tackle it more than i could imagine. But how does He feel about me then?

I don't even know about it.  I don't know how long Gods love endures. But i just want to know it deeply.
As i wonder about it, i am indeed purely insane. Why on earth i questioned this things? Can anything make God stop loving me? Nothing.

I find the answer on the splintered cross, where He was nail-stabbed and bleeding. There His dying for my death. There He resurrected for my living. There i saw true love. His great love. That's what i really wanted to know. I am convince His love endures forever. And nothing can change His love for me. Absolutely nothing.

Whenever i look at the cross, i remembered the difficulties i had and sometimes i ask myself how i was and am able to stand and go through them. The Cross gave me an answer. My sufferings, challenges,and even death or sickness are not my destiny. Its in fact my keys to life, love and salvation.


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