Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Yonex ( You- Next)

I remembered a personal experience about my Yonex. And i want to share it with you that in one way or another, it will inspire you.

Last June 3,2007 I bought a badminton racket that cost me quite an amount that I could boast off. Its brand is Yonex. It’s really weightless and good-looking compared to my ever dedicated obsolescent and unbranded badminton racket I bought for P200. (In fairness, I won 1st prize using it one time during a tournament being my partner, the Controller of a prestigious company, O diba astig!!!) For the past two years, I have been using my old racket in our office badminton tournament. And now, I’m leaving it. Yeah, what an improvement! Yes I’ve got my new and lighter racket that would help me to the road of fame.Last June 21,2007 I broke it. It was not even smashed on the floor. I remembered I just waved my hand and boom…toink…my racket fate had gone only this far. I was playing with my boss that time and honestly, I am quite embarrassed about it. It was something that should not be happening to a professional player like me. Hehehe. It’s not worth it…

As I pondered on the momentous event during my prayer time, I realized that God was not pleased with my arrogance and even with my plans(the road of fame). I believed he wanted me to go to the basic where life meets both ends. He wanted me to do something after that “ what’s next matti?,you next, I have done a lot for you… what’s next? Are you going to be boastful or humble? What does really matter now for you?”

Yeah, I believe I have quite sometime lost my track. What had happened taught me to stop and think. What does really matter now for me?

Many times I am being dismantled,broken, and even smashed by events brought about by my pursuit. Was it worth it? It was worth it. Wrong moves, wrong choices and wrong perception caused alot of tension. Perhaps, that’s the reason why my yonex was broken. Why oftentimes I am shattered…But the good news is, there is plenty of time to change. God is waiting for us to change for good. I bet my yonex will be refunded or be replaced in due time. Hmmm… that’s pretty good…cool…I can’t wait for that time. But for now, I am back to the basic.

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