Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Constant Change

When i was quite a little boy, i used to climb fences and trees and my parents scolded me and even spanked me for that. I was that boy who dreamt to risk life for adventure. To risk life for conquering the unknown and My parents were then my contra-bida shutting off all my wide imaginations.

I know the reasons why there doing that for me now, that in times i was too high in following that little bird flying in the trees or that grasshopper hopping from one fence to the other, i put myself at risk. And they loved me enough to scold, to spank or to remind me through tough love that " hey you're going too far." wake up!  Be careful!

Now, i missed those times , as i looked back on some of my little sentiments as a boy, i just smiled knowing that it was a silly disposition. My parents now are old, and day by day, i believe time has really passed by to them. I was busy growing up and sometime i forgot that they're growing old too. Yet, the way they treat me. The way they love me, is surprisingly and utterly wonderful. That is why i take the time to hug them as much as i can everyday during breakfast and its a healing  feeling their hugs and seeing their smiles too.

I believe though somethings does changed now in different areas of my life but...somethings doesn't really change at all, especially if its deeply rooted inside ones heart.  Love.

God's love is ever constant and does endures forever.

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Anonymous said...

hmmm..i love this line tias ..i was busy growing old and i forgot they are also growing old! hmmm ..<3 nice one! Thats how it is ! Am glad that i finally brought my naynay and aunt who are both in thier 70's, this morning @ the FEAST, my mom spread it out my two older brothers she like it there nah!love it thanks GOD LOVE love love

Anonymous said...

hmmm..i love this line tias ..i was busy growing old and i forgot they are also growing old! hmmm ..<3 nice one! Thats how it is ! Am glad that i finally brought my naynay and aunt who are both in thier 70's, this morning @ the FEAST, my mom spread it out my two older brothers she like it there nah!love it thanks GOD LOVE love love

Mhatti Mhatteo Mhatteology said...

The feast is indeed a beautiful place... I am inspired with their talks and way of life...